How To Retrieve Your Data Before Deleting Your 23andMe AccountDeleting your 23andMe account is a significant decision, but retrieving your data before taking this step is essential. Many users may be unaware of the valuable genetic and health information they could lose if they don’t back up their accounts first. Fortunately, 23andMe offers a straightforward process to export your data. Below, we will guide you in ensuring your genetic information is safely stored before account deletion.Backing Up Your 23andMe DataWhen considering the deletion of your 23andMe account, one of the first tasks is to back up your data. You might…

Investing in real estate is a great way to boost your portfolio’s returns over the long term. Real estate offers some of the best opportunities in the market both in terms of growth and fast-acting dividend production. Whether you’re thinking of flipping houses for lump sum profit taking or want to buy into a bundled investment option that centers on real estate for the long term, this asset class is consistently outpacing other options. Continue reading for three excellent approaches to the real estate marketplace for great returns on your investment and expanded opportunities at all levels. 1. Consider syndication…

You know it’s summer or winter when we find ourselves running to the thermostat much more often. Whether you need the heat or the A/C, the thermostat becomes a key part of any home. However, there are common mistakes that homeowners make when it comes to their thermostat, some that are quick fixes and some that you can easily repair with the help of a licensed technician. 1. Don’t keep the heat on all day. One of the three biggest thermostat mistakes that a homeowner can make with their HVAC system is leaving it running all day long. While you…

Plenty of people in the traditional workforce fantasize about becoming entrepreneurs. It isn’t really hard to see why. Owning a startup, or any form of your own business, is a huge accomplishment worth being proud of, and it grants the freedom to be your own boss. That’s just one of the reasons you should start a company. Others include boosting your income well beyond what you’re used to once you have a successful business going, and financial freedom will allow you to build the lifestyle that you really want, even if it’s following the 4-hour workweek. Of course, being the…

Every business is a revolving door of revenue—money in and money out—circulating like air in a ventilation system. And if you’re not watchful of your spending, your revenue could vanish as if into thin air. You indeed have to spend money to make money in business, but you also have to be wise about how you spend and make sure you’re getting the full cash value of your current and prior purchases. Often, the only thing that separates the company that only lasts three years from the company that lasts three decades is how they manage their funds. It’s natural…